Sharecast Initiative Nepal conducted a telephone survey among Nepalis who are above 16 years of age.
Fieldwork for the survey took place between February 21 to March 7, 2021. A total of 5082 respondents participated in this survey. Sharecast mobilized a total of 25 enumerators (10 women and 15 men) to conduct the interviews. The survey represents respondents from all 77 districts and over 75% of local governments across. We have used the PPS method to distribute samples at provincial Respondent for this survey is from Sharecast’s telephone database of those who have participated in our previous face-to-face surveys and contacts collected through different sources.
Sampling methodology
A multistage sampling technique is employed to determine the sample units representing the national population in the country. We have distributed our samples based on the population size of the provinces and ecological belt in the first stage.
Households are selected through random and purposive sampling. The sample for this survey covers 80+% of municipalities. A strong geospatial representation to allow interpolation to non-observed areas. The sample remains nationally and provincially representative of households with children. Interviewed respondents are 49% men and 51% women.
The primary source of Sharecast’s database is respondents who participated in our previous Media Survey of 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 for the CFT Surveys. Further, we have gathered numbers from Local Community Forest Users Group, Tole Development Committees, Local Cooperatives, and Drinking Water Users Committees. We have put all these data into a basket and randomly selected the required number to reach the target.
We have used a random sampling method in all stages.
The margin of error was around +/- 1.4 percent at a 95 percent confidence level at the national level. The survey does not claim the same level of precision at either the provincial or the district levels.
We usually conduct 2-3 days of training and pre-test before every survey for enumerators. Training includes mock tests among enumerators to familiarize them with the survey questionnaire and a one-day pre-test to ensure the programming, questionnaire, and skip logic.
Survey limitations:
Interview conducted via mobile phone for about 15-20 min. All interviews take place between 7 am and 6 pm. The majority of the samples are households with children. There is oversampling among the hill caste, education level with Bachelor’s degree and above. There is undersampling among the illiterate, aged between 16-24 and 60 and above, and those in the city.
Please find the presentation of the survey findings or download the file below. If you are interested in detailed cross-tabulation of the survey findings please write to us at info@sharecast.org.np